
Students who complete all the degree requirements for the B.A in Elementary,  B.A. to M.A.T. (middle grades or secondary education), or the MAT-only degrees should be prepared to take the Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators (GACE) Content Exam.  Once a student successfully passes the GACE Content Exam, fulfills all class requirements, and receives approval of the Professional Standards Commission, they will receive licensure for the state of Georgia in their identified content area.

LaGrange College is unaware of a reciprocity of Georgia licensure with licensure in AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, or WY. Becoming licensed in another state is dependent upon that state’s licensure requirements and LaGrange College cannot ensure that reciprocity will be granted between the state education agencies.